If you live in the Crewe area, you’ll find contact centres for all manner of well-known and much-loved brands. Assurant, on the other hand are probably the biggest business you’ve never heard of, providing insurance policies to over 300 million customers around the world.
Historically their referral programme had been their most successful direct resourcing platform, however numbers had begun to rapidly decrease. We set about understanding why and creating a new look and feel to breathe new life into this campaign.
We created the Talent Spotters identity which featured five custom monsters, each with their own personality and visual identity. The friendly, furry monsters enabled us to promote the new MOSTER REWARDS programme with new competitions, micro incentives, and a massive £1,000 monthly prize draw.
Our integration with Assurant’s ATS and new Social Referral technology enabled a slick new process, increased internal awareness of both available vacancies and how to gain points and prizes for more referral incentives.
The success of the campaign comes down to impactful creative, a pre-planned, 12-month on-going marketing plan, great rewards and the strong support from the resourcing team.